
导读 【#洒脱的英文怎么说#】1、洒脱的英文:big-hearted2、参考例句:a hyperkinetic,gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker)格雷...


2、参考例句:a hyperkinetic,gonzo version of Graham Greene(bNew Yorker)格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演(b纽约人)Facile and graceful飘逸洒脱And that in return he should purr, and be sleek and graceful作为答复,他也自鸣得意,洒脱大方,曲意奉承。An intentionally careless manner.随便,洒脱有意漫不经心的行为方式The Venetian gondola is as free and graceful in its gliding movement as a serpent威尼斯小艇划起来就象蟒蛇一样洒脱自在。The dance is free and brisk, imitating the valor of a tribe excelling in horsemanship and marksmanship.舞蹈形象洒脱、矫健,尚保存着骑射民族的勇武古风。a hyperkinetic,gonzo version of Graham Greene(New Yorker)格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演(纽约人)The stiffness of the meeting soon gave way before their popular manners and more diffused intimacies他们的洒脱不羁和亲密气氛的增加很快驱散了会场上的拘谨。He's a friendly, open and smart man and he projects all of that.他是个友善、坦率、洒脱的人——这些品质他都充分地表露出来了。They seem to transform from boys to men overnight, suddenly become tall and strong, handsome and graceful.他们仿佛一夜之间由男孩变成了男子汉,突然变得高大强健,英俊洒脱。big是什么意思:adj. 大的;庞大的;量大的;重要的adv. 夸大地;大量地Big, Big, Big....Innuendo, deleted老大哥,老大哥,老大哥……big commerce, big circulation, big market大商业,大流通,大市场You are big in america.你在美国是个大人物。A big black bug bit a big black bear.一个大黑虫咬了一个大黑熊。 Well, it's a big occasion.嗯,这个场面很宏大。hearted是什么意思:n. 心,感情,热忱,内心,中心,红桃They exchanged their views heart to heart. 他们推心置腹地交换了意见。 Distance is naught while heart with heart can meet.心心能相印,距离等于零。get/learn by heart记住,背诵 boxed heart check心材开裂,成材心裂 His heart stopped beating. 他的心脏停止了跳动。到小D查看洒脱的英文翻译>>




